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Tools Up! Download For Windows


Updated: Mar 9, 2020

About This Game Imagine you and your friends renovating a house - busy work right? Well you can test them out in this hasty and fun co-op game! Tools Up! lets you gather up to four players on your couch and paint walls, tear off wallpapers and move uh… couches against the clock! So be sure not to get in the way!The inhabitants of a mysterious skyscraper left their homes in your hands. All that is left is a blueprint of how the house should look when they come back. Cooperate (or don’t - we don’t judge) with your friends to make their dreams a reality! Tear down walls, put down tiles and throw everything you need to one another across the apartments, hoping to not make it more messy than it was before. Its so easy you wont be able to mess it up! Or is it... ? Bored with the campaign? We have Party Mode that lets you choose the level you want to master. Be the home improvement you always wanted to see. Be Tools Up Co.Already excited? Check out the features:There are four characters when you start but so many more to unlock and love!Sprinkle some rainbow on dull, gray apartments. Make them shine! Make them wonderful.Playful and fun gameplay requires fun and playful artstyle - in Tools Up! we have both covered.Afraid of messing up the game for fellow players? Don’t be! Tools Up! lets you take whatever part you want in the renovation! Are you the hardcore renovator that wants to multitask? Great! Or are you more of a furniture pusher? That’s amazing too! Just running around and being a clown is still an important role - house renovation is a complicated science. And we don’t judge.Remember that only the person holding the blueprint can change camera angles. Use it for good. OR FOR EVIL! Go on… Create some chaos!Throw things to people… in other rooms! Just be sure to clean up any mess afterwards.Throw people… to other rooms! It’s always fun. Oh - and do backflips! Make people laugh!Each campaign mission is unlocked in Party Mode for you and your friends to master! Get the highest ranking in all the levels! We know you can do it!Expecting ice, fire or puppies? No? Well, you should! Tools Up! levels and environments are rich and varied. Expect different weather too. b4d347fde0 Title: Tools Up!Genre: Action, Casual, IndieDeveloper:The Knights of UnityPublisher:All in! GamesRelease Date: Q3 2019 Tools Up! 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Discord channel: is my Discord channel where I post news about my upcoming games, updates and patches and make codes giveaways.. Teleportals. I swear it's a nice game Maytroid is out!: Patch 1.0.4: -Chinese translation has been added-Thanks to 冷雨夜的八云深琴 for the translation-Linux and Mac versions will be added soonDiscord channel is my Discord channel where I post news about my upcoming games, patches and updates and make codes giveaways.. Patch 1.0.3: Patch 1.0.3-Portuguese translation has been updated -Thanks to Leitoso, Zeiccia, Katakuri, Nitsche for the translation-Slight changes in some levels-Small typos have been fixed. Teleportals is Available Now!: Bang! Bang! Bang! Pull your Devil Triggers! Teleportals. I swear it's a nice game is Available Now!. Discord channel: is my Discord channel where I post news about my upcoming games, updates and patches and make codes giveaways.. Discord channel: is my Discord channel where I post news about my upcoming games, updates and patches and make codes giveaways.. Patch 1.0.2: Patch 1.0.2 -Fixed a bug with a save data when you go to the menu from black screen while the level is still loading. Thanks Suzuki_lm for the bug report.-Full Chinese translation is coming soon (thanks to the wonderful community).


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